I wasn’t great in English class at school but I think it might be Emily Brontë who said “ May is the month of expectation, the month of wishes and the month of hope.” I have also heard for as long as I’m on this earth that April is in like a Lion and out like a Lamb!
I think both statements are very very true, we have had very cold nights, down to freezing even in the last couple of nights but if you look at temperatures for the next 10 or so days, they don’t fall below 6 or 7 degrees which is perfect growing weather, I know we will have some rain but it’s more welcome in warmer temperatures it really makes things grow, you can water and water but nothing makes plants jump out of the ground like a small drop of warm rain!!!!
Tentatively I’ll start moving Dahlias, Sweet Peas, tender herbs and vegetable seedlings out of the tunnel this week and into the garden. I’ll start filling the pots on the patio and clean, sweep and scrub the whole place up in anticipation of sunnier warmer days spent outside!
Spring bulbs are all but finished, the cherry blossom is a sight to behold this year and the herbaceous borders are waiting patiently to shine , but my all time favourite Wisteria is about to burst into flower. Nature and gardening are fabulous things because by the time I write my June newsletter they will all be finished and something else will have its pride of place. A garden never stands still and is always evolving.
Our inaugural Herb Workshop has 2 spots left on Wednesday the 15th and by popular demand we have decided to add Saturday the 18th of May, I have to say I’m so looking forward to it! But more of that in my next newsletter!
Until next month, happy gardening. Lots of love