I know I seem to say this every month but my god where does the time go? As we see out May and welcome June there’s lots of change happening in the garden and tunnel. All the dahlias are well settled and thriving outdoors, some struggled initially as every slug in Kildare seems to love the tender baby shoots but once they get going slugs don’t seem to bother them much, I can’t wait for the stunning Dahlia display this year!

My sweet peas are outside also and are slowly intertwining their way up rope, wire, roses and wisteria I had my very first flower before I left for France. The trick with them is to keep snipping the flowers for a fabulous cut flower display inside and they will continue flowering for weeks on end!! I have a seed planted by each plant which means I’ll hopefully have flowers in abundance in the next few weeks till the first frost, that’s the joy of gardening that’s what I think but you never know with nature! This year my roses are outstanding that’s what happens each year something just seems to shine and this year seems to be the year of the rose.

All the fruits and vegetables are coming along nicely, plenty of salad leaves, spinach, rocket, scallions, peas and strawberries ready to harvest along with a continuous supply of fresh herbs. Whilst the beetroot, chard, leeks, cauliflowers, broccoli, courgettes and cucumbers are coming along
nicely it’ll be a few weeks before they are ready to harvest.

May was a very busy month for me personally sadly we said goodbye to a much loved pet. Twiglet was the kids first pony and had been knocking around here for 18 years, it’s still weird not seeing her head over the gate but sadly at the ripe old age of 36 her time had come to cross Rainbow Bridge. We had my baby’s 21st which makes me feel really old and then we saw him off to Brisbane for the summer. I also held my first Herb Workshop in the Potting Shed which was a great success but it meant after all the rain I had my work cut out to get the garden in shape for my guests, I must say it was a great focus and things are looking a good bit better than they normally would.

Normally in the shop and studio the summer months tend to be quieter but this year it’s busy with weddings and events as I write this the rest of us are in France for a couple of weeks on holiday. So I felt it was better to take a break with everyone else in case I didn’t get one! It’s great to relax and see beauty in other places!